Below is a list of some of the main projects I have participated in in the last 4-5 years. Most of which require a valid and recognized account to log in.

Some projects I have done have been established on an internal network of organizations and we cannot see them from the internet.


The name of Dialog is the acronym of Diabetics Log, an application for the community of diabetics to control and monitor their daily activities and health status by themselves and their doctors. This application also has a web-based panel for doctors and system administrators, through which the application is monitored and controlled.

According to requirements and our stable infrastructure, we had decided to use Node.js with RESTful architecture for the server-side and Angular 10, Typescript 4 for our client-side, and Material Design as our design language and Sass as CSS preprocessor. Also, we got help from strong Bootstrap’s grid system and utilities because of a lack of this part in Angular Material.

Our team consisted of a project manager, one scrum master, two back-end developers, one front-end architect, one junior front-end developer, two iOS developers, two Android developers, one graphic designer. I’ve been head of the front-end team in this project alongside other projects.

The initial phase of the project is nearing completion and is available at

Yas Inventories

An interactive property inventory platform that aims to be at the top of it’s working-class in Great Britain by covering the weakness of similar applications and offering awesome features.

This application allows connecting to smart cameras and captures more detail with a simple touch and leveraged the 360 fields of view enabling an immersive interface for users.

Our tech stack for the back-end was Java EE and for the front-end Angular 9 and TypeScript. Also, we used the Keycloak solution for identity and access management on both the client and server sides.

The first phase of the project launched and it is available on, the second phase will start in October.

I’ve been head of front-end team in this project.


An online test and questionnaire design system for TTZ Bremerhaven Institute. TTZ Bremerhaven is an innovative provider of research services and operates in the field of application-oriented research and development. Under the umbrella of TTZ Bremerhaven, an international team of experts is working in the areas of food, environment, and health.

We had decided to use Java EE with RESTful architecture for the server-side and Angular 9, Typescript 3.9 for our client-side and Material Design as our design language, also used Bootstrap’s grid system and its utilities and Sass as CSS preprocessor.

This application is available in three languages: German, English, and also Persian (Farsi) which means support right to left languages and user interfaces completely.

You can see on

COVID Project

The project was a joint collaboration with Swedish company ePosture AB in the early days of the Coronavirus pandemic. An artificial intelligence specialist from the Swedish company and the front-end guy from our team produced a below-mentioned web application (without back-end) that screen the infection status of the person by examining the chest X-ray scan image and matching it with a reliable model.

Our tech stack was ES6+, TypeScript, TFJS and Bootstrap and Sass for UI.

It’s available on

Internet Banking Portal for Capital Bank of Jordan

An internet banking portal for natural and legal clients of the Capital Bank of Jordan based on Backbase 6 and WA3 (Backbase is leading Omni-Channel Banking Platform).

That was a major joint project between Jordan, Lebanon, Portugal, and the Netherlands. Bakbase core team in Netherland, Core banking team in Jordan, and Two Backbase partners in Portugal and Lebanon to development and operation.

The responsibility of our team in the project was the implementation of the Card Management widgets and services for both mobile and web under the Backbase 6 platform.

We were using Angular 8, ES6+, TypeScript, and the Backbase Design System which got help from Bootstrap 4 and Sass, for our client-side and Java Spring for the server-side and KeyCloak for identity and access management solution.

I’ve been head of front-end team in Lebanon.

It’s available on

Internet Banking Portal for Bank Melli

An Internet banking portal for natural and legal clients of the Bank Melli which is a major bank in the Middle East with more than 40M accounts, based on the Backbase Omni-Channel Banking Platform.

I joined the development team in the early days and had many responsibilities on the team, including development, training and coaching, and sometimes dev-ops. Due to the impossibility of upgrading to a newer version of the Backbase, we had to customize and expand almost the entire system. In the early versions, for the front-end, we used AngularJS Framework, jQuery, and many other libraries, also RequireJS as a module system and LESS as CSS Preprocessor, and for back-end Java EE, Spring Boot, and Apache Camel as middleware. In the new customized version of Backbase, we used ReactJS instead of AngularJS, Sass Instead of LESS, and to many upgrades in the front-end layer. However, we had a plan that projects with different stacks and in different teams, legacy, and modern ones under an architecture called micro front-end, could work well together. Of course, at that time I left the team and it was suspended.

It’s available on